Wow! Those folks on the street really nailed this one. Right on cue Nikon announced the launch of their new line of mirrorless cameras. The initial entries are two very similar models – the J1 and the V1. Both sport very similar specs in most regards including a 10.1 megapixel CX-format CMOS sensor (which includes a 2.7x crop factor). The J1 is priced at $650 and will appeal to the shooter wanting a simple “carry around” camera. The V1, priced at $900, has a few more bells and whistles such as a high resolution electronic view finder and something called a “multi-accessory port”. This one may appeal to the somewhat more serious minded photographer.
Just as expected – this system comes with a new batch of lenses. The kit lens on both models is the 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6. Three others will become available in the near future. Lens prices range from $250 to $750. And of course, your “old” SLR lenses will not fit directly on this new camera line. But wait! Nikon maybe has listened to it’s photographers on this one? They are also producing an adaptor. So there is something else to buy – but at least you don’t have to buy an entire set of new lenses. We can still use our existing SLR lenses on this baby.
I’m still not sure who will be first in line to get this camera. There are other mirrorless cameras out there that shoot well and/or cost a bit less. (Think Sony) And there are many point and shoot types of cameras which do a darn good job and come in well below the price point on these new Nikons. Maybe these are like a cut above the really good point and shoots but not up there with the SLRs? Question is – is there a viable market in that area? Time will tell. Meanwhile – they come in snazzy colors! Are you going to pick one up and toss it in your bag? Let me know.
Dr.B, The Photo Trekker
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