September 13, 2024


Travel photographers have a need for action.  They like to be out there, traveling and shooting.  I know that personally, after a few weeks at home, I feel a need to get back in action. If I can’t get away for an extended trip then I’m looking for other, shorter options.  That’s where I am today, feeling that it is time to feed my habits again.  So I’m setting off next weekend for some Travel and Photography!   This is going to be one of those rather short outings.  Leaving on Friday, I’ll be in Colorado for only a few days with a return Monday evening.  (Yep, that would be Halloween I believe…………Can you Trick or Treat on an airliner?  …….. They probably have an extra fee for that!   But maybe not.  I’m flying Southwest and they tend to be a bit more reasonable in their upcharges and fees.  So Trick or Treat here I come!)

 This trip is a bit different for me in that I’ll be part of a group of about 10 photographers on the outing.  We’re all members of the same photography club in Kansas City– Digital Dimensions And Beyond – and we have decided to go out and do a quick shoot in Colorado.  We fly to Denver and then head to Colorado Springs for a day before trekking back north to see what’s going on in RockyMountainNational Park. Not an in depth photo outing by any means, this is more of a “Taste of Colorado” shoot.

 I generally prefer to do the “solo” travel thing.  Guess that’s because I tend to be a bit spontaneous in my outings, going where my interests lead me and staying or going as seems best at the moment.  Others say “spontaneous” is just my nice way of saying that I really don’t like to make plans or follow an agenda.  They may be right.   Either way, this “Taste of Colorado” trip will be interesting.  I’m prepping myself to be a good group member and to content myself to “go with the flow.”  Great plan………we’ll see how that works out.

 In the past, some have asked what Photo Gear I travel with.  For this short outing here is my kit:

 Camera:           Nikon D300 body

Lenses:            Nikon 18mm – 200mm, f/3.5-5.6 zoom

                        Nikon 10mm, f/2.8 – “fisheye”

                        Nikon 70mm-200mm, f/2.8 VRII zoom

                        Nikon 1.7 teleconverter

Camera:           Kodak Zi8 video

Storage:           Epson P-3000

Tripod:            Velbron light weight travel

Misc:               Apple iPad 1 and iPhone 4S

 For longer journeys, or when I go to places I haven’t previously visited, I would probably take a second camera body. This time I’m trying to travel a bit lighter.   I find the 18mm-200mm to be a very good all purpose, walk around lens.  The 10mm is just plain fun.  I wouldn’t typically take the 70mm-200mm on longer travels due to weight.  (I can’t begin to tell you have many places I have taken and never used the 70mm -200mm, and maybe this will turn out to be the same.  Bringing it this time in case we see some game animals, etc. Same applies to the 1.7 teleconverter.)  I love the versatility of the Epson P-300.  It is quite small, has great storage capacity, and lets me back up quickly and efficiently.  It seems I always have my iPad and iPhone with me.  Great multipurpose tools – reading, writing, viewing, etc.             

 Time to start packing. Hopefully I’ll be able to send an update or two  while “On The Road To Colorado.”

As always………..Enjoy The Adventure!

Dr.B, The Photo Trekker