Extra Lenses For The iPhone – I’ve mentioned in previous articles how much I love my iPhone 4s. I use it for everything from texts, to emails, to keeping track of all my plans and stuff. Heck, I even occasionally use it to make a phone call!
The iPhone also has a really good camera (considering it is a camera in a phone) and I have reviewed the camera as well. Recently I am reading more and more about various “add on” lenses for use with the iPhone. I must admit – I have always been a bit skeptical about adding anything to my phone. Basically, I like it the way it is. Nice and small, it feels good in my hand and fits easily in my pocket. The idea of adding anything to it – well it just feels somehow “wrong.” Do you really need extra lenses for the iPhone?
In spite of my reluctance to hang some extra piece of equipment on my iPhone, I have become more curious about extra lenses for the iPhone. There are times when the iPhone camera just lacks a bit of “something.” From my own personal experience it seems that far and away the iPhone shoots the best images in its standard set up The digital zoom seems to produce notably inferior results for example. So I have looked into several options to expand the “usability” of the iPhone camera.
Telephoto Lens – The digital zoom feature of the iPhone camera is nice. It’s built in, it’s handy, and it does give you the ability to extend the “reach” of the camera. But the image quality seems to fall off noticeably with the digital zoom. Maybe an optical telephoto lens would help? I discovered a nifty telephoto called the “For iPhone Lens.” Its available many places on-line. I found a wide selection of retailers and prices as low as $23.99 at Amazon ( click for related link ) Specs are listed as a magnification of 8X, field of view is 246 M with a 16 degree angle of view, minimum focus distance of 3M. The size? A tiny 30 x 70 mm. The lens comes in a kit which includes a very thin black snap on case for the iPhone. It provides a threaded link that is used to attach the telephoto lens. The kit works for the iPhone 4 and 4S and also includes a small collapsible tripod and a cleaning cloth. And the price is right – $23.99 is the lowest price I’ve found!

But the lens itself is small and is easily carried separately in your pocket when not in use. The snap on case adds essentially no bulk to your phone when the lens is not attached. I haven’t had much time to experiment with the lens yet but my initial impression is that it has potential. I’ll let you know more after I’ve worked with it awhile.
I’m looking at other lens options as well. More to come.
Meanwhile…………..Enjoy The Adventure!
Dr.B, The PhotoTrekker