January 17, 2025
Nikon D4 / internet image

Nikon has just announced it’s Newest Pro Level Camera, the D4.  As I read about it I found myself thinking back and reminising about my own history with Nikon cameras.

For those of you who may not be aware, when you move into the world of photography you have to make certain choices.  One of the first, and perhaps most important in many ways, is which camera company and photography system you are going to use.  There are lots of good companies out there, but it seems the current photography world is primarily (and here I am sure to really upset some people) divided into Nikon and Canon.  Making a choice of camera systems is a committment.  Once you make your selection it’s not impossible to change your mind.  But it is difficult and expensive ( sort of like a marriage?  but I digress )  You buy the camera body – then you buy a lens, then you buy more lenses, then you buy specialized equipment such as strobes.  Pretty soon you have alot of stuff.  And it all works together as a set – within the camera system you have chosen.  But much of it is not interchangable.  You are not going to put your Nikon lens on a Canon body.  And that Cannon strobe is not going to work with the Nikon body.  So when selecting your camera system – it is best to choose wisely my little grasshopper.

I have been a Nikon shooter for many years now.  I started with film, shooting an N80.  Then I moved into the digital age with the D100 which sported a huge (for it’s day)  6 megapixels. It is basically an N80 refitted to shoot digital.  I loved it. I shot a lot of excellent photos with that camera.  It shoots as well today as the day I got it. (But people laugh when they hear the 6 megapixel part)  From the D100 I took the plunge, got out the big check book, and bought the D2X – my first pro level digital camera.  Top of the line in every way. Built like a rock to withstand any shoot conditions -12 megapixels – fast, adaptable and a look that screamed “pro camera.”  Again – I shot many great images with this body. And it still shoots as well as it ever did.   It shoots best with lots of light – with low light – forget about it! Technology changes – sensors improved. That got me thinking about a newer camera.  I went with the D300, a mid level Nikon with a newer sensor which greatly increased low light ability.  That’s my current main body – I shoot it alot.  I love it.  It does all that I ask of it.

One of the troubles with digital cameras is that they keep improving the darn things.  Sounds odd, I know.  But there’s truth to that statement.  In the “good old days” you could buy a top of the line film camera and you would be set.  Now cameras are really computers with a lens on the front and, as a result, the computer part keeps improving – leaving the older versions behind the curve. 

I’ve tried to tell myself that my current cameras do everything I need.  I don’t need to keep chasing the newest and badest camera on the market.  Still, I find myself reading about these new bodies!  I know – it’s crazy. 

The New Nikon D4 is a 16 megapixel fast shooting pro camera which is built for the duration.  Full frame sensor, blazing speed – shooting at 11 frames per second!  Like that’s really, really fast! It will also shoot HD 1280 video.  I could go on about all the earth shaking specs –  but why bother. Let’s just say it is one heck of a camera (visit http://www.nikonusa.com/ for more).  Of course it should be a nice camera – it’s priced in at $5999.95 – and that’s the body only.  ( Does that price seem like it’s really close to $6000 to you?  –  must be a very important nickle.)

For those of you who think that price is a wee bit expensive – well Nikon does have one other camera which costs even more.  That’s the somewhat older Nikon D3X.  It’s a slower camera – only 5 frames per second ( like really, that’s pretty fast – until you compare it with 11) and is built for and used more often by photographers not having that need for speed thing going – studio photographers, landscape photographers, etc.  The D3X is a full frame camera with a 24.5 megapixel sensor.   Can you say “high resolution?”  You could print a photo at the size of a billboard with this puppy!  And the price tag is billboard size too –  as in $7999.95 for body only. (what is the deal with 5 cents on an $8000 item?!?)

So as I clean up my trusty Nikon D300 for coming activities in the year 2012, my mind wanders to other camera bodies.  If I were going to upgrade – should I go for the D4 or the D3X?  Decisions, decisions……………… or more accurately………….what a nice fantasy.

Say…..you wouldn’t consider contributing to a “Buy Your Favorite Photo Blogger A New Camera Fund” would you?  

Brought to you from  Camera Fantasy Land……….Enjoy The Adventure!

Dr.B, The PhotoTrekker
