February 14, 2025
iPad 2 / Apple Photo

Today Apple is scheduled to make a “big” announcement.  Most anticipate that Apple will be presenting the iPad 3 (or perhaps the name will be the iPad HD?)  – the latest edition of the wildly success tablet in Apple’s inventory. Tech magazines and blogs have been writing about the upcoming release of the iPad 3 for months now.  Everyone – well at least those that are into this tech / computer / Apple stuff – is wondering about just what new goodies Apple will install in the iPad 3.  Every author and magazine seems to have their own ideas about what we’ll see – but no one really knows.  Apple does a very good job of keeping new product development under wraps.  They love to do the big media event – new product release.  And they do it really well.  There may be things to fault in the way Apple does business – but their marketing approach tends to be real cutting edge.

But apparently Apple is about to let the cat out of the bag later today and present its new babyto the world – the iPad 3.  We will soon see what they have brought to us in the hope that we will instantly embrace (and buy) the iPad 3.

I am one who was initially skeptical of this “tablet” style tech device.  It wasn’t cheap and I wasn’t sure if or how I would use it.  But I eventually jumped on the band wagon and got the iPad (original version).  Admittedly my jump on board was a bit tentative – I got the basic entry-level version – 16 gig and wi-fi only.  But I have come to really love iPad.  I use it a lot – and that is I use it a lot each day.  I use it for presentation of photography projects and portfolios to prospective clients (as well as to friends, family, and other photographers).  I use it to read the daily news on various apps.  I use it to read up on sports as well as watch live streaming sports events.  I use it to search the internet, play games (Words With Friends anyone?), read books, watch movies, stream Netflix, plan trips, make reservations.  I also use the iPad for writing – things like this article for example.  So you get the idea – I use my iPad a lot, for all kinds of stuff.

In most ways I find my original iPad is excellent for my needs.  Basically I am a happy camper.  For me, the screen resolution is really very good.  Do I need HD?   Not that I can tell.  My issues with my current version?   Now I find that the 16 gig version is too limiting – I need more room for storage because I have found so many ways to use the iPad.  I would like a camera – primarily for Face Time (I think the size of the iPad makes it a rather awkward camera – there might be some uses out there – but not many.  I’ll continue to use my DSLRs or my iPhone).  I think I would also like to have a version that allows the option of broadband data use – probably with Verizon.  Beyond those features I’m not sure I need anything more.

So in looking at my list of items I’d like in an iPad upgrade I see that they are already available – in the iPad 2!   And now that the iPad 3 is about to be released, the price of the iPad 2 is already coming down.  So……I’m going to watch and see what Apple has up its sleeve today.  What will this iPad 3 really offer?  Will there be any other surprises?  Maybe there will be something to prompt me to go for the iPad 3.  But then again – it seems the iPad 2 is a great device which will be a great upgrade for me and do all I need it to do.  Time will tell.     What are you going to do?

Love Your Tech …………. And Enjoy The Adventure!

Dr.B, The Photo Trekker
