How To Cope With Travel Stress ………. Acceptance
Travel is wonderful in many ways. But let’s be honest. Travel can also be stressful. If you want to get the most joy from your travels then it’s important to learn how to deal with the stress of travel. If you want to avoid being “undone” by this type of stress then you need to learn how to cope with travel stress. Fortunately, there are various skills which you can learn, practice, and develop which will help you cope. Some skills are old – finding origin in Buddhist teachings. And some skills are newer – coming from Cognitive Behavioral Psychology. These are the same skills which you can also use to cope with other types of stress in your life. Learn these skills and life gets a bit less frustrating.
Everyone encounters stress in their lives. Travelers encounter all of these everyday stresses and then get an “extra dose” of the stresses associated with travel. Missed connections, lost baggage, unfamiliar foods, jet lag – the list of travel related stresses goes on and on. How to cope with travel stress? That’s a very real question for the ardent traveler. Fortunately there are many things each of us can do to better deal with stress. Unfortunatley there is no way to totally avoid stress or to be totally stress free. So – what can we do?
Stress Is Normal – It’s OK – It’s a part of Life!
There are a number of different techniques, strategies, and approaches that you can use to cope with travel stress. The first, and perhaps most basic thing to do is to set a solid foundation upon which to build your stress management skills. Remember and remind yourself that stress is a natural part of life. Some stressors are big, others are small. But there is always stress as we go about our travels. So don’t set yourself up for disappointment. Be realistic. If your goal is to find a way to totally remove stress from your travels you will fail. It quite simply can’t be done. And when you fail, you will become upset with yourself, feel frustrated, and perhaps even feel more stressed than before. So be realistic. Remind yourself that stress is a natural part of life and especially it can be a natural part of travel.
This type of acceptance is a good and important first step toward dealing more effectively with stress. No – it is not complicated and and it is not magical. It’s not “rocket science.” This is really basic – but is also terribly important. So take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and and as you do, remind yourself that stress is one of the many natural experiences of travel. Stress is a part of the travel experience. With this thought and acceptance as a foundation you are then better prepared to move ahead and take additional steps to deal more realistically and effectively with stress – to learn how to cope with travel stress.
I’ll be sharing additional steps for dealing with travel stress in future posts. For now, remember to relax and not create addiional stress for yourself with unrealistic expectations.
Be at peace with your journey ….. And Enjoy The Adventure!
Coping With Travel Stress …….. Part Two
How To Cope With Travel Stress …… Part 3
Coping With Travel Stress ……… Part 4
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