September 13, 2024

Underwater Photography – Just the Toy for you.

Sometimes underwater photography is just plain fun.  And sometimes underwater photography can be darn useful.  How so? This past summer I had the pleasure of doing some boating on one of the large inland reservoirs in the area.  We anchored, swam, had few beers – you know what I mean – it was hot and we were “boating”.  Time came to leave and we went to haul up the anchor.  But all we got was the anchor rope – no anchor!  Now anchors for large boats are not cheap.  So we spent the better part of two hours taking turns  diving in search of the errant anchor.  Alas, as they say, it was to no avail.  Or in our case – it was to no anchor. At that point what we really needed was a way to do some great underwater photography. We needed an underwater submersible camera system.

Remote controlled, submarine camera system - Hammacher Schlemmer
Remote controlled, submarine camera system – Hammacher Schlemmer

This is what we needed.  The Submarine Camcorder. It’s offered through Hammacher Schlemmer. Talk about cool!  This little baby operates remotely providing live video  from depths up to 100 feet.  It’s remote control and video monitor are handled through an iPad.   This is the real deal!

If we had one of these babies this past summer, well we wouldn’t have been killing our lungs diving to the depths of that lake.  No way.  I can see it now.  We would have been sipping a brew while the little submersible searched out our missing anchor.

With this very possibility in mind I decided to order one up as a gift for my boating buddy.  Seemed like a nice idea for the boater who had everything (except perhaps, an anchor?).  But then – whoa!   I saw the price tag.  Each little submarine goes for $6,300. Now I’m sure that it is worth it.  It’s ultra high tech and all.    But in the interest of mindful awareness I did a quick cost / benefit analysis. On further reflection I decided a person could buy quite a few boat anchors for $6,300.

So my buddy is not getting his own little submarine.  But – if you would like to have a really cool bit of photography gear for your kit – something that no one else has – you might check out the Submarine Camcorder at Hammacher Schlemmer.

Underwater Photography ………….. Enjoy The Adventure!

Dr.B, The Photo Trekker

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