February 16, 2025

xian dumpling 2

Chinese Food is part of the adventure when traveling to China.  But I have to admit, food is relatively low on my travel priority list.  I want to meet people, do things, visit places and do lots of photography.  For me, food is not the focus of my travels. And so I wasn’t really thinking much about food as I hit the road for my China Trek.  Still, as you might imagine, I encountered a wide variety of Chinese Food during my trek – food which was rather different than what is encountered in the United States.

I thought I would share the Chinese Food experience with you through an article focused primarily on photographs. I have to admit in advance, there were many times when I had no idea what I was eating.  Some items looked familiar.  Others were totally strange.  Some were delicious.  And then there were others ……….   So here is a visual tasting of Chinese Food that I encountered on my China Trek.

Peanuts - served as an item with many meals
Peanuts – served as an item with many meals

This one I recognized. Peanuts!  Interestingly served as a dish accompanying many meals. A nice change for the taste buds – but very difficult to maneuver with chop stix!


Food Eggs

Scrambled eggs and stewed tomatoes.  An interesting combination and served frequently with many meals including lunch and dinner.


food vegsSome of you may recognize this, but to me it was one of the Chinese Mystery Foods.


food MushroomsAnother mystery food.  Probably some type of mushroom?  Kind of rubbery and chewy. One try was enough for me.


food groupA typical “group meal” layout on the ever present “Lazy Susanne”


food brocoli

I suspect this is broccoli.  But never having been a fan, I declined.


food ?1Some kind of meat with dumplings?


Chinese Airline Food Service
Chinese Airline Food Service

China is a very large country.  Cities are far apart and travel frequently involves flying from one location to another.  This is typical food service for flights within China. ( I suppose you guessed that I don’t fly First Class?)


More Chinese Airline Food Service
More Chinese Airline Food Service

More Chinese Airline food service.  Actually it was quite good.


Tibetan Yak Burger with Fries
Tibetan Yak Burger with Fries

In Tibet I had to try Yak.  But I opted for a rather tame presentation – Yak Burger with Fries! Yummy!


Xian Dumplings
Xian Dumbplings

Dumplings of all sorts and shapes are a speciality of the Xian area.


Xian Dumplings - These shaped like ducks. bwb-images
Xian Dumplings – These shaped like ducks. bwb-images

Even more dumplings – very tasty.


Micky D's is everywhere!
Micky D’s is everywhere!

And of course, when you just have to get a taste of home!  McDonald’s is everywhere – and cheap in China! You could also eat at other familiar American style restaurants including  Pizza Hut or Kentucky Fried Chicken in many cities.

These photos present just a small sampling of the foods I encountered on my China Trek.  Unfortunately, sometimes I was so busy eating that I forgot to take care of the photography.  In Beijing I enjoyed Peking Duck.

Peking (or is it Beijing) Duck
Peking (or is it Beijing) Duck being prepared.

And I ate many more foods which I can’t describe and by which I was puzzled.  I tried “hot pot” which is like a kind of Chinese Fondue.  It was okay, but seemed like a lot of work for minimal benefit.   I also encountered all kinds of wonderful street foods being cooked and offered by venders everywhere.  Some looked and smelled really tempting.  But I am typically very cautious about food when I travel – especially street food. So I smiled and moved on.

Chinese Food ……… Enjoy The Adventure!


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