Win A 12 Night Free Trip to India with Conde Nast –
I’ve mentioned before that “FREE” is one of my favorite words. So you know I was excited when I learned of a chance to get a FREE TRIP TO INDIA. I’ve never been to the subcontinent and the opportunity to visit for free is very attractive. I thought I would pass this opportunity along to you.
Conde Nast Is currently running a promotional contest, along with Oberoi Hotels, giving away a free trip twelve day trip to India. Now yes, it is a promotion. And yes, it is a contest. But if you win – India for Free!
If you are interested in travel to India, this just might be an opportunity for you to get there for FREE! Here is the website link: Conde Nast. Read the info carefully. To enter you do need to provide some information about yourself and you also must sign up to receive the Conde Nast Traveler’s Daily Traveler Newsletter. But no purchases are necessary. You can read all of the details on the “rules” etc. here: Rules. All entries must be received by April 22, 2013.
Here are the high points of what the winner receives:
- 2 round trip coach tickets to India
- 12 nights lodging for two at Oberoi Hotels in Delhi, Mumbai, Agra, Jaipur, Udaipur, Rathambhore, and Shimla.
- Upgrade to a suite at any two hotels on the itinerary
- Daily breakfast and airport transfers
If you win – send me a postcard!
Free Travel Is Great ………… Enjoy The Adventure!
Dr.B, The PhotoTrekker