February 16, 2025


By official proclamation – Smallville is in Kansas

The newest Superman Movie was released on June 14, 2013, reawakening and renewing everyone’s interest in The Man of Steel.  Now I don’t know about you, but this is the stuff I was raised on.  Back in “the day” when my TV had only three stations, and they were in Black and White, Superman was at the top of my “must see” viewing list.  (Of course I could only watch after I had done my chores and had my homework completed –  there, have I dated myself enough? Wow – how time flies!)  But even then it seems, we all knew that Superman’s earth based home town was in Kansas. That’s right, Superman – Smallville Kansas.  And now it’s official – Smallville is in Kansas!

superman george reeves


{ George Reeves – The Superman that I grew up with – here seen with Noel Neill, as Lois Lane.}




On Tuesday, June 4th Hutchinson Kansas proclaimed that on June 21, 2013 the City of Hutchinson will be officially renamed “Smallville.” (Okay – the name is changed just for one day – but hey – let’s not sweat the details.) And it’s all thanks to the efforts of three Kansans from Hutchinson -Christopher Wietrick, Ben Eisiminger and Casey McNeely.  At long last,  Hutchinson Kansas is being recognized as Smallville?  Why?   Kristen Roderick, Mobile/Social Media Editor at the Hutchinson News gives background on how this all came to be in her article “Hutchinson To Proclaim ‘Smallville'”(hutchnews.com). And if it’s not obvious, its due to all of the similarities that the city has to various clues and details related to Smallville which are scattered throughout Superman  productions. You have doubts?  Well consider the documentation  provided by Wietrick, Eisiminger and McNeely their Facebook Page titled “Hutchinson, KS Should Be Named Smallville.”

  • Hutchinson is known for its salt. Smallville is famous for meteor rocks, mainly Kryptonite. White Kryptonite is harmless to Superman and humans, but it kills plants – just like salt. Salt – Kryptonite?  Get it?
  • Smallville’s downtown is centered on a park and a gazebo. Avenue A Park in Hutchinson is the center of downtown and frequently features musical acts at the gazebo.
  • The Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center is the only space museum in the state. Clark Kent comes from the planet Krypton – in space.
  • Smallville has a population of 45,001. Hutchinson has a population of 42,080.
  • A comic book shows that Smallville is 55 miles from Salina. Hutchinson is 57 miles from Salina.
  • Smallville High School’s mascot is the crow. the Hutchinson High School mascot? The Salthawks. Both are birds.
  • In “The Kents,” Smallville is located on the Arkansas River. So is Hutchinson.
  • In the 1993 novel, “The Death and Life of Superman,” Jonathan and Martha Kent drive from the Great Bend airport to Smallville. Closest town in similar population to Smallville on the Arkansas River is Hutchinson.
  • Hutchinson has Clark Road and Kent Road
  • In the television show “Smallville,” Smallville is close to Wichita.

So as they say, ‘them is the facts.”  Hutchinson = Smallville, case closed.

The Hutchinson city name change is only part of the Superman excitement in Kansas on June 21st. On that same momentous day Superman, otherwise know as Clark Kent (need I say “mild mannered reporter with the Daily Planet?”), will be inducted into the Kansas Hall of Fame in Topeka, Kansas. (Superman shares top billing in the induction ceremony with other 2013 inductees including James Naismith (The inventor of basketball), The 1970’s rock band Kansas, the 1st Kansas Colored Infantry Regiment, and Drs. Karl and Will Menninger, founders of the Menninger Mental Health System.

smallville map

[Smallville – aka Hutchinson, is about 240 miles southwest of the Kansas City Area]

It’s going to be quite a day here in Kansas and especially in Hutchinson.  Ms. Roderick of the Hutchinson News tells me that ‘Smallville’ will get front page attention on June 21st.  So all in all it sounds like a very unique and fun day. Smallville / Hutchinson is only about 240 miles from my home base in the Kansas City area. So Smallville – here I come. I’m packing up my photo gear and getting ready to head out.    I’m not going to miss the opportunity to participate in this special day in the history of The Man of Steel.  How about you?


See you in Smallville? ……….. Enjoy The Adventure!

Dr.B, The Photo Trekker 


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