Travel and Photography are a great combination. But do you sometimes feel that your travel photos are getting a bit boring? Everything looking a little blah? Sort of the “same ‘o, same ‘o” feeling? There are many things you can do to perk up your travel photos. I’ll be writing more about these from time to time. For starters, here’s a really simple but effective travel photo tip that just might help.
Travel Photo Tip – Put Something In The foreground.
Travelers have a tendency to get caught up in the moment. Actually, it’s perfectly natural and understandable. You are totally captivated by what you are seeing and you want to capture that special view. You grab your camera, lock that great subject into the center of your view finder, and you click away. Got it! Great. Trouble is, once you get home and look at the photo there’s just something missing. It doesn’t give you that same feeling. What’s the deal?
To get good travel photos you have to do more than travel and shoot. Of course you have to travel. But good travel photography involves more than just clicking the shutter. A place to start is to remember you have to set up the shot. As a traveler there are, of course, limitations to what you can do to set up a shot. But one of the simplest things you can do is shoot from an angle or perspective which puts something in the foreground.
Take a look at the image at the top of this article. An interesting photo of an aircraft carrier in Charleston, South Carolina. Not bad.
But then I moved about twelve feet to my left and took the shot above, adding the cannon to the foreground. A much better photo. Foreground interest and an aircraft carrier in the background. The photo now tells a much more interesting story. Not only is the photo more interesting and engaging to the viewer, it also has more of a sense of depth.
Here’s another interesting shot of an intriguing ship, one with a high speed catamaran hull and a drone blimp tethered to the deck, in Key West Florida. Interesting subject. Fairly good photo.
After taking the first shot, I backed up a bit and added the two bollards (yep, that’s what they are called) in the foreground. Again, a very different photo accomplished by just moving a few feet. More interest and more depth.
So, if you would like a simple way to add more snap and interesting to your travel photos all you have to do is take a look around. Don’t get too locked onto your primary subject and ignore other aspects of the setting. Maybe by moving around a bit you can add a touch of extra interest to the foreground.
Travel Photo Tip – Put Something In The foreground.
Try it out – let me know how you like the results..
Check the foreground ………… And Enjoy The Adventure!
Dr.B, The Photo Trekker