February 14, 2025

Multiple Electrical Travel Charging Outlets can sometimes be scarce when you travel.  I finally found a solution.

I don’t know about you, but when I travel I seem to always need to charge, recharge, or plug in quite a few electronic devices.  Let’s see – there’s my iPhone, my iPad, my camera to name the most important on my list.  And it seems that I’m always looking for an outlet to use to plug in all these devices.  With luck, I might find a few open outlets in my hotel room. But they are frequently spread around the room, one on the desk, one behind a chair, maybe another behind the bed.  I’m always concerned that some day I might forget some device that I had left charging out of sight someplace.  And then, of course, there are those “other” rooms where there just aren’t enough outlets – period.

Here’s the solution that worked for me – It’s the “Outlets To Go 4” made by Monster. It’s a great electrical travel charging outlet multiplier.

monster 4jpg
It’s small and compact – weighing in at only 5.8 ounces.  Plug one end into an available out let and – Walah! – You now have 4 open outlets which you can use to plug in all your stuff! And all your stuff is now charging in one place – peace of mind for me at least.

Here’s the link to look this item up on Amazon –

Monster Outlet 4

Now – keep in mind – this is NOT A VOLTAGE CONVERTER.  It merely provides additional outlets.   For most devices these days that’s not a big deal – most items have a voltage converter built into the item or else it is built into the charging cord.  But BE SURE TO CHECK the voltage requirements for your own devices.

Also – you may possibly still need a PLUG CONVERTER to match the outlets in the country (s) you will be visiting. That depends on the places you will be traveling.  But you would need those anyway.  Actually, the Monster Outlets to Go means you only need one plug converter and you can then plug your own devices into the Monster without the need for additional plug converters.  So it saves you the need to carry separate plug converters for each item.

This little device has been a big help on my travels.  If you find yourself needing lots of electrical outlets on your travels – check it out.

(Full Disclosure – I have purchased and used this item on my own without any reimbursement of any sort.  However, if you do decide to purchase this item by “clicking through” to Amazon from this site (just click on the Golden Square at the upper right corner of this page) – your price will be the same but your purchase will help support this site.  (Our thanks in advance!)


Visit my Photography Site at www.BWB-Images.com

Get Charged Up! …….. And Enjoy The Adventure!

Dr.B, The Photo Trekker



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