September 13, 2024


Great Display For Travel Photos

Ever wonder what to do with those travel photos once you get home?  Well, here is a neat idea for a Great Display for Travel Photos.  Now you probably won’t want to do this for every photo.  But for those one or two exceptional images – well, you might give this a try.

The image below is a view of Paris which I made from the Paris Museum of Modern Art – I call it “Paris – Museum View. ” I like the feel it gives of Paris – the dark somber skies, the muted colors, the classic architecture, and of course the tiny Eiffel Tower at the upper left.


Paris City View  from Museum of Modern Art / bwb-images
Paris City View from Museum of Modern Art / bwb-images



I really liked the image as seen above.  It’s a bit of a crop – and I printed it up in several sizes.  Then, after some thought, I decided to create a somewhat unusual presentation – a rather large Quadtych.  Here’s the final result – now hanging on a wall at my home.


Paris Quadtych

How did I handle this transformation? ( Okay – first of all, I did play with the color and saturation a bit, and the discerning eye will notice that I didn’t crop the bottom out.)  Beyond that, the transformation to the Quadtych is really fairly straight forward.  First I enlarged the image using Photoshop.  True – it was a rather serious enlargement.  The original photo was shot with my old trusty Nikon D100 back in the day when it’s 6 megapixal image processor was considered to be large!  My ultimate goal was to upsize the image to be 36 inches high by 48 inches wide.  Once up to the new size I then “cut” the image into four separate strips in Photoshop, each strip twelve inches wide, and saved each as a separate 12 x 36 inch image panel.  The final Photoshop step was to add a 1/4 inch black border around each panel. I then had the four panels printed as 12×36 inch color prints.  ( Since this was a fun / experimental project  I went with Costco printing which is really quite good and is definitely cost effective.)

While the panels were being printed I went to my local Home Depot and picked up four furring strips (60 inches long x 1/ 1/2 inches wide x 1/2 thick) to be used for the upper and lower hanging strips.  I then spray painted these with several coats of nice black paint.

After I picked up the finished print / panels from Costco I laid all the materials out on a large flat surface.  This is perhaps the most challenging step.  All the panels and hanging strips have to be measured and then positioned precisely so that everything looks nicely balanced and, perhaps even more importantly , so that they hang nicely balanced.  So take your time – measure precisely and check your work.

The upper and lower hanging strips are actually made up of two strips – one laid on top of the other ( a front and back). I attached the image panels to the back hanging strips (both upper and lower) using double sided foam tape. Then I laid the front hanging strips on top of the back hanging strips, again using double sided foam tape.  In other words, the image panels were in essence “squeezed” between two hanging strips at the top and two hanging strips at the bottom. At this point, check alignments and make sure everything is nice and straight and even – you can make some small adjustments if needed.  Once you are sure that everything is “square” you can finish the project.  To provide a secure and lasting connection between the front and back hanging strips I carefully drilled several holes through the strips at four locations across the top and the bottom strips and used small bolts to tighten and hold the front and back hanging strips in their “squeezed” position.  That’s it – done. A Great Display for Travel Photos.

This idea can be used in all kinds of ways -use it as a triptych, use it for a smaller (or larger?)  presentation.  If you try it – l’d love to hear how it works for you.  If you have other unique presentation ideas – feel free to share.

Share Your Images …….. And Enjoy The Adventure!

Dr.B, The Photo Trekker


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