People know that I absolutely love to travel and that I travel a lot. And because of this I frequently get asked questions and opinions about travel such as where I would suggest people go for a great vacation or adventure. It’s a great question – any easy one to ask – but not so easy to answer. Travel can be very subjective. What one person thinks is a great travel adventure another thinks is a terrible travel disaster. Different strokes for different folks as the saying goes.
In spite of the subjective and personal qualities of travel I still try to do my best to help others with possibilities and information about great travel ideas and destinations. In fact, that’s one of the primary reasons that I created this web site and write all these travel articles!
One approach I use to filter through travel recommendations is what I call the “Would You Go Again?” travel destination test. I’ve covered a lot of ground in my travels and the simple question, “would I go again?” helps me sort through and select some of the best travel destinations to recommend. With that in mind -I thought it would be interesting to share some of my “Go Again” destinations. Today I decided to start with any obvious one.
I love Paris. What? You too? Who doesn’t love Paris? I’ve been there several times and I would absolutely, without a doubt, no question about it, go back again …… and again …… and again. I love photography and Paris is a photographer’s delight. As one of my photography instructors once said – “Paris is a visual feast.” It gives the photographer a lot to work with! Sort of brings out the creative side. Just one subject – say the Eiffel Tower can keep the photographer busy day and night!
Actually, the Eiffel Tower doesn’t look exactly like this at night – trust me.
But then, it doesn’t look exactly like this during the day either…………….
Paris offers such a variety of experiences and venues. There is never a dull moment. That is, unless you want a dull moment. But then of course if you do – you can always find a lovely quiet cafe and simply spend some time just kicking back and watching Paris go by – not a bad way to spend an hour or two – or an afternoon.
Paris is a city you can, of course, enjoy by day – seeing the sights, shopping, eating, people watching. But Paris is definitely a city you can enjoy by night – some would say even more than during the day. There are awesome restaurants, romantic strolls by the Seine.
Or, take a boat ride on the Seine. Many of the great sights are illuminated. Totally awesome!
Paris is a city you can enjoy in cold weather. But on some days it will help if you bundle up a bit! Here’s me on a brisk February day………….Brrrrrrr – but still a Great Day in Paris.
My “February In Paris” Selfie!
Paris is a city you can enjoy in warm weather.
Like museums? Paris has some of the best in the world! Like The Louvre!
And, as though you didn’t know, they have a number of rather well known works of art.
Paris has a great metro system which makes travel a breeze.
And even the Metro is an interesting experience. Colorful and very Parisian!
Enjoy a cafe – the food is great – and so is the people watching!
Bottom Line: Without any doubt – Paris is a Must See. Something for everyone – any time of year and any time of day. Don’t wait – Just Do it!
I’ll be writing about other destinations which pass my “Would You Go Again?” test in future articles, so be sure to check back. Meanwhile – what places pass your “Would You Go Again Test?” Write a comment below and let me and others know!
Paris is a “Go Again!”………….. And Enjoy The Adventure!
Dr.B, The Photo Trekker