September 13, 2024






Lhasa Store Front
Lhasa Store Front


Some people enjoy the occasional vacation.  Other’s may take a trip every year or two.  Some even make that trip an annual event.  These people enjoy travel.  But are they truly “TRAVELERS“?  To me there is a difference between those who take a vacation and  those who are TRAVELERS – yes TRAVELERS with  Capital Letters.

TRAVELERS live for the journey.  Their lives revolve around recalling fond memories of past travels, enjoying the pleasures of their current journey (or the plans they are currently making), and daydreaming about their future adventures.  So – are you the occasional “traveler” or are you a TRAVELER ?  Here are some ways to tell.

You are probably a TRAVELER if:

– Your Computer is full of “bookmarks” ” of sites related to travel booking sites such as Orbitz, Travelocity, and Trip Advisor. And you probably visit these sites frequently, looking up airfares to various destinations just for the fun of it.

20120422-204518.jpg– You know, right now at this very moment, exactly where your Passport is and you also know for a fact that it is currently valid and when it will expire.







Tek Charge MP1550 by Tekkeon
Tek Charge MP1550 by Tekkeon

-When you select your mobil phone you insist that it is “World Smartphone“, capable of working on cell systems worldwide.






kckeywestmap2-You  take great pleasure in just looking at Maps of places you’ve visited and places you would like to go.







– You have a special Travel Wardrobe of those great things that travel well – you have the stuff that is lightweight, goes with everything, doesn’t show soil or wear, and drips dry in the blink of an eye.

– Your Bucket List is full of places you “must see” – to the point that you have difficulty selecting your next destination.

-You are a Travel Resource for friends, relatives and coworkers. They consult you for ideas, suggestions, and recommendations regarding their travel plans.

– Your Smartphone is absolutely full of Travel Apps.

– Your Calendar must have an upcoming travel adventure listed so you can look forward, plan, and anticipate. Without a planned trip in your future you start to feel closed in, a bit irritable, and without purpose.

Obviously this list goes on and on.  So – tell me – are you a TRAVELER? What items would you add to this list?

Be A Traveler……. And Enjoy the Journey!

Dr.B, The PhotoTrekker

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