February 12, 2025

Happy New Year from Travel And Photo Today!

I want to wish all my family and friends a great New Year.  And yes, that includes all my local friends, travel friends, photography friends, distant friends, friends I’ve only met via this website, and those friends I have yet to meet.

I hope it’s been a great 2013 for you and yours and that the close of the year leaves you with warm memories, a sense of satisfaction, and peace.  And I wish you all a 2014 full of fun, hope, adventure, and love.

And for no particular reason whatsoever – I offer the following for your enjoyment:

First, the Original –

And a follow up parody from some local farmers – (caution / portions may be disturbing to those of the vegan / vegetarian persuasion) —

And finally, the Saturday Night Live version – (caution – best viewed by mature audiences as with many SNL skits) –


So there you have it – for no particular reason at all.  Just for the heck of it.  Not serious, just fun.  So relax, open your mind and enjoy them. In fact – you might consider applying  that to all of 2014.

From all of us here at Travel And Photo Today

to all of you around the world.