January 17, 2025


International Arrivals
International Arrivals



I’ve just discovered that one should be careful when choosing what to write about.  This article started out with a general question about where to travel.  Read on to see how it took a bit of a “turn.”


Sometimes I procrastinate – get caught up in the activities of the moment and neglect thoughts of the future.  At times that’s a good approach to life.  Most often it is wise not to dwell on the past or worry about the future – instead live in “in the moment” as they say.  But when it comes to travel it creates a bit of a problem.  I operate best with at least a bit of planning.  And here I am at the top of a new year.  I’m looking at the calendar and what do I see?  Nothing!  It’s empty. I have no travels planned.  Just typing that sort of sends shivers down my spine.  In the frigid Heartland here in Kansas City I feel a strong need for travel – perhaps more to the point I feel  “a strong need for escape?” I’m struggling with the traveler’s dilemma – Where To Go.

At this point I must work rapidly at a solution. If I don’t “pull the trigger” and make a plan there will be no journey.   But that of course just begs the question –
Where should I go?  Thus the dilemma – So Many Places So Little Time.  My list of possible journeys seems to grow far faster than I can check them off.  At the moment, in no particular order, are destinations I am pondering.

Italy – Cinque de Terre

India / Nepal

Mother Russia

Viet Nam

Africa (safari)




There are more on my list but these are the top contenders at the moment.  (Of course the list could change by tomorrow.)  I’m open to input and suggestions on this decision so feel free to share your thoughts and recommendations.  And  I’d love hear what’s on your list.


So there you have my first “writing down the bones” draft of the article.  I didn’t even get around to adding any photos.  The parenthetical comment in the final paragraph above proved to be rather accurate. How so?  Well, I just “pulled the trigger” and booked myself for a Spring Time Journey To India and Nepal. Just writing about my empty calendar problem proved to be too much for me.  I had to fix it.  I solved that problem – now I have lots to do in terms of research, planning, and preparing. I’ve never been to India or Nepal and I am really looking forward to this adventure.  I’d love to hear from those who have made this journey – I always welcome help, hints, and ideas.   I’ll be sharing more about this journey in future articles – from the planning phase right on through to the journey itself.  So stay tuned!

“Pull the trigger and GO!”  ……………………. And Enjoy the Journey!

Dr.B, The PhotoTrekker

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