February 12, 2025
Indian Aesetic
Photo by Penny Travel Writer – used with permission.

My Journey To India is about to begin (for related articles click here and here).  As you can see from the outstanding photo above (kindly shared by my Australian friend Penny, of http://thetravelwriters.net/pennyfrederiksen/) India is full of very interesting people and places.  So I am off to explore India and all it has to offer. And this is a perfect time.  Why? Several reasons come to mind.

NCAA NATIONAL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT – I will be in India at the perfect time -March and April – exactly the right time to totally miss the NCAA Basketball tournament. I am a big fan of College Basketball. And I’m fortunate to be an alumnus of two universities with outstanding basketball traditions – Michigan State University and The University of Kansas. Both universities have very good teams this year and, with a bit of luck, may do quite well in this year’s tournament.  Time will tell.  Meanwhile, I will be in India and Nepal and will  miss the entire thing. Perfect Timing.  But maybe it will help my teams.  I recall that I was traveling through Israel in the Spring of 2008 – right during the NCAA basketball tournament (why do I do this to myself?).  I still remember that, after finally managing to find a TV with ESPN I was able to watch The University of Kansas win the 2008 NCAA National Title in the early morning hours ( I was in Israel after all ) as the sun rose over the Galilee.  So who knows, maybe being in India this spring will be Perfect Timing for one of my favorite teams.

BOEING 777-200 – By now everyone is aware of the mystery surrounding Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 which disappeared about two weeks ago on March 8th. At this writing the cause of the incident is still totally unknown although more information continues to emerge.  But whatever the cause, the scale of the tragedy is enormous and my heart goes out the the passengers as well as their friends and families.  The aircraft used on Flight 370 was a Boeing 777-200.  And wouldn’t you know – I’m flying New York to Delhi on a Boeing 777-200.  Perfect Timing.

SPRING IN KANSAS CITY – We’ve had a rather serious winter here in Kansas City.  Lots of snow and sub-zero temperatures.  We’ve been under attack several times by something they referred to as the “Polar Vortex.”  I’m not exactly sure what that is –  I can say, however, that it is cold and nasty.  Fortunately, all that is now past.  Spring is arriving in Kansas City.  Bright sunny days and blue skies.  Trees are starting to bud and plants are showing signs of life.  People are getting out and about.  Spring in Kansas City is delightful – perhaps our nicest season.  But of course, I won’t be here to enjoy it. I am heading off to India where temperatures are currently in the upper 90s.  Perfect Timing!

I could go on, listing other items of Perfect Timing such as my as yet incomplete travel fitness preparations as well as my failure to fully prepare for India’s culinary challenges.  But be that as it may.  My journey is about to being – Perfect Timing.

So, when is the Perfect Time to travel – to India or anywhere for that matter?  On the one hand – there is no Perfect Time.  There are always reasons not to travel.  That’s the old “glass is half empty” point of view.  Focus on reasons not to travel and you will always have reasons to never go. On the other hand – the Perfect Time to travel is now. Choose to focus on the “half full” point of view – the adventure of travel and the journey ahead – and the world opens up to you.  Now is The Perfect Time.

Now Is The Perfect Time …..  Enjoy the Adventure!

Dr.B, The Photo Trekker

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