February 7, 2025

Phantom BWB GCanyon


(Here’s an image, ala PhotoShop, that you will not see soon in real life – the FAA has “determined” that no RC aircraft can be flown in National Parks – the result of pilots not using common sense and being discourteous)

The newest addition to my photography gear is my Phantom Vision 2+.  What is it?  Well, it’s technical a remote controlled flying device which has a small still / video camera attached.  On the “street” it goes by many names.  Some refer to it as a “Quadra-Copter” or a “Quad”  due to it’s 4 prop design.  Some call it a “Drone” since it shares some of the high tech features found in it’s ultra expensive and super tech military big brothers.  But whatever you call it, it is a very nifty little device.

Quadra-copters are becoming increasingly popular. There are a variety of models available. After considerable research I decided that the best Quad for me was the Phantom Vision 2+.  Made by DJI, the Phantom has gone through several model upgrades with increasing improvements and refinements.  The Vision 2+ is the most recent version incorporating a variety of components which make it a very attractive “all in one” package.  It’s almost ready to fly right out of the box.  The biggest thing you have to add is some time and attention to learning how to operate and fly the Vision 2+ in a safe and prudent manner.

For more information about the Vision 2+ take a look at the video below.  It’s a good introduction to the Phantom Vision 2+.

I’ve previously posted several articles which include video taken from my Phantom – check them out by clicking here and here and here.  I’m looking forward to more flying and will be sharing videos in the future.

[Flight Notes:  Flying any RC vehicle is great fun.  But as I found with flying “real aircraft” – it’s something you want to do very well or not at all.  As with any technology – it can be used wisely and provide all types of useful benefits  – or – it can be misused and create all kinds of problems.  So fly safely and wisely.  Be courteous and thoughtful.]

Flying The Phantom Vision 2+ ……………Enjoy The Adventure!

Dr.B, The PhotoTrekker

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