The Kanas City Royals came up 90 feet short last night in their hunt for the World Series Title. Ninety Feet! With the score standing at Giants 3, Royals 2, and with the Royals having the tying run standing on third base, the San Francisco Giants recorded the final out in the 9th inning of the 7th game of the Series. The game was over. The Royals Run To The Series was over. So close. So very, very close.
So today there are many Royals fans who are what? A bit sad? Yes. Disappointed? Sure. A little hurt? Of course. But that is the way it is with sports – and with many other things in life. The only way to avoid hurt and disappointment is not to play – not to try. And what kind of life would that be? Safe but dull I suppose.
At the start of the 2014 baseball season 30 teams set out in pursuit of the title – World Series Champs. And even then they all knew that by season’s end, only one team would capture the crown. Twenty nine teams would fall short – but still they played. And the KC Royals played well. They played really, really well. They brought big time baseball back to Kansas City – sweeping their way through the Wild Card Game and all other Post Season Playoff Series – ending up in The World Series as the American League Champions.
You all know the saying by now – “It’s the Journey, not the Destination.” Well the Kansas City Royals took us all on a Great Journey. And we really enjoyed it. Well done Royals. Thanks for A Great Ride!
Dr.B, The Photo Trekker