February 14, 2025

art fair


If you love photography you likely enjoy loading up the camera gear and getting out there somewhere – anywhere – to make some photos.  But if you are like most of us, there are also times when you just can’t hit the road in search of that next great photo.  What do you do then?

Well, if you can’t go to your photography, why not have your photography  come to you?  Seems like that’s one of the real neat advantages of Art Fairs.  They bring the art to you and that includes great photography.  Art Fair Photography comes to you. During the “Season”, great photographers from all over the country hit the “Circuit”, bringing the best of their work to a neighborhood art fair near you. It’s like photography curb service – or actually – more like photography delivery service. What could be better?

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If you can’t get out to do your own photography, why not visit the photographers who visit your area in the local art fairs?  It’s a great chance to see some great photography and see what other photographers are doing and shooting.  I always learn something from studying the work at art fairs.  And I’m frequently a bit humbled.  I mean, photographers are doing some really great work.  Yes, it’s a bit humbling, but it is also always inspiring.  Sort of gets the photography juices flowing, pumping up the motivation to get out there and do better work.

art fair 3Recently I wandered the displays at the Brookside Art Fair – an annual event here in the Kansas City area.  It presents all types of art including great photography.  It was a great opportunity to meet and chat with some wonderful photographers from around the country and to discuss their work and our shared interest in photography.


Great photography with unique and intriguing presentations.  Here are a few of the great photographers at the Brookside Art Fair this year.  Definitely worth checking out. Very inspiring –

Large Scale Landscape Photography.  And I mean LARGE – as in darn near wall size! Jason Pavalonis from Julian California shoots outstanding images of the Western United States.  www.warmdesertwind.com

Night Photos of Trees. Interesting idea – right?  Justin Cox, or Minneapolis Minnesota shoots various subjects.  He brought his night photos of trees to Brookside.  And I must say they are really outstanding. Check out his website:  www.JCoxPhotography.com  or see his work and get updates on his current activities at www.facebook.com/JustinCoxPhotography.

Unique Still Life. Jim Copeland of Atlanta Georgia offers intriguing still lifes with an unique presentation.  Detailed images with a “ragged” edge are centered and mounted via a slight “stand off” over a larger and defocused image of similar content.  The result is a wonderful 3 dimensional bit of photographic art. www.JimCopelandPhotography.com

Bottom line –  the next time you can’t actually get out and shoot, why not visit a local art fair?  Learn something, get inspired and renewed.  And while you are at it – why not buy some photographic art?  Support your fellow photographers.

Support Art Fair Photography ………….. And Enjoy The Adventure!

Dr.B, The Photo Trekker

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