January 21, 2025

The Prairie Fire Museum


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Overland Park, Kansas is home to a small but delightful museum of natural history – the Prairie Fire Museum.  Inside there are a variety of very nice displays and exhibits.  But for many, the most noteworthy feature  of the museum is the architecture.  The building is a combination of stone and glass panels.  The glass panels present a glorious display of colors and reflections, qualities which are further intensified in the morning or evening light.

The Museum at Praire Fire is a visual feast.  As such, it gains the attention of many photographers.  Here are several I took this afternoon – using my trusty iPhone.

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Prairie Fire 2Prairie Fire 3prairie fire 4If ever you visit the Kansas City area, the Prarie Fire Museum is a destination you should put on your list.   And if you live in the Kansas City area, consider visiting this unique museum that is right here in your own back yard.

See The Prairie Fire Museum! ……… And Enjoy The Adventure!

Visit www.BWB-Images.com to see all my photography portfolios


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