February 16, 2025

Vegas Road Trip — On The Road Again

I do love a Road Trip.   Soon I’ll be listening to my favorite tune by my friend Willie, you know, Willie Nelson, as I hit the road to The Great American Southwest.  If you don’t know the tune – here is a YouTube link to put your mind in the right place.


I’ve got my Road Trek packed and I’ll be on the road again on my Vegas Road Trip, possibly taking a general southwesterly direction, dropping south through Oklahoma then west through  Texas and across New Mexico and Arizona. Or maybe I’ll head west across Colorado and drop down through Utah.  That would give me a chance to visit some of my favorite National Parks including Arches.  It’s nice to have great options.   I’ll do a bit of wandering, checking out whatever adventures I encounter, before stopping at my first targeted destination – Las Vegas.


RoadTrek RV in the Dakotas
My ROAD TREK on the plains of South Dakota/ www.bb-images.com


I’ll be in Vegas for about three days covering the 2016 International Travel Goods Show.  It will be my chance to check out the latest and greatest of travel gear from companies around the world.  I’ve had a sneak peak at some of the items and I can say that I am really looking forward to seeing more.

After the show I will probably hang out in the Southern Nevada area briefly, taking in some of the local sights before heading south and east toward Phoenix.  I’ll be stopping in Suprise Arizona, on the outskirts of Phoenix, to catch a few spring training games of my own Kansas City Royals.  You’ve probably heard of them – they won the World Series last year.  Go Royasl!

I’ll be writing a few articles while on the road.  I also plan to share brief updates via FaceBook and Twitter.  You can follow me at:

Face Book:  www.facebook.com/TravelAndPhotoToday/

Twitter:  www.twitter.com/ThePhotoTrekker/

On The Road Again ……….. Enjoy The Adventue!

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On The Road Again ……………… Enjoy The Adventure!


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