Naval Construction Training Center / SeaBee Base
In October of 2017 I wrote an article about The Naval Construction Training Center / SeaBee Base at Quoddy Village, Maine . It’s an interesting spot at the Northeastern Tip of the United States.
Quoddy Village, Maine – The Extreme Northeastern U.S.
Quoddy Village was home to a training facility for the Navy Seabees during World War II. The base, Camp Lee-Stephenson was closed in 1946. The area has changed considerably over the years, but with a bit of looking you can find some of the remaining buildings and locations used on the base.
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Recently a reader wrote to inform me that there had been a fire in Quoddy Village in November of 2017. Here’s the link to the related story from the Bangor Daily News –
Historic Eastport fire claims Navy barracks where man was living alone
The fire destroyed the old barracks building which was one of the larger remaining base structures. The building was in rather rough shape but it was a central and important reminder of the area’s history.
The images below show the barracks building as it appeared in October, 2017 prior to it’s fiery demise.
Barracks Building – Front View
Barracks Building – Rear View
Seabee Emblem – Rear of Barracks
While visitors to the area can still find some older buildings and features associated with the Seabee Base, the barracks building is no longer to be seen.
Explore The History Of Quoddy Village …….. And Enjoy The Adventure!