February 16, 2025







    Lost your marbles?  No problem.  Just visit the Moon Marble Company and you will be restored!  ( Sorry – somehow I just had to say that and get it out of the way ).

The MOON MARBLE COMPANY is a Kansas City Gem.  Kansas City and the surrounding communities offer a treasure trove of amazing, interesting, and delightful venues and experiences for visitors and locals alike.  Some are obvious, high profile and very well known.  Others are a bit more “off the beaten track” but are none-the-less intriguing and interesting in their own way.  Each is a Kansas City Gem – part of what makes the Kansas City area an increasingly popular destination for travelers and a great place to live.

The Moon Marble Company is located in Bonner Springs, Kansas – a small community about 20 miles west of Downtown Kansas City, Missouri.  The company,  which started out as a general toy manufacturer and store, emerged as toy store specializing in the production and sale of marbles in 1997.  Today it is an interesting and slightly quirky little toy store which offers a most interesting and wide ranging variety of toys, most of which have a bit of “retro” flare. This is not the place for video game or electronics shoppers  But if you are looking for some interesting and non-mainstream toys and gifts – this just might be the answer to your search.

The Moon Marble Company building is divided up into three main areas.  The small front area is jammed full of all sorts of retro-style toys and games and items.   And there are, of course, lots of marbles as well.

Moon Marble Company – Front retail area and stock of toys.

  Moving from the front area through a narrow hallway (also packed with toys) you enter the larger central toy area.  Again – toys of all sorts and sizes as well as lots of marbles.

Moon Marble Company – Center retail area and stock of toys


Lots of “Retro” toys and games


Large selection of “old fashioned” metal lunch boxes



New Item From BWB Concepts

“It’s The Journey” Tote

Perfect for school, beach or just about town

View this and other items with the same image and message at

BWB Concepts



  The third area of Moon Marble Company is a larger multi-function room.  There is a section of stadium style seating overlooking a demonstration area.  The company frequently offers demonstrations by local and visiting artists on the art of glass work and marble making (see their website for current demo information).  

Marble artist demonstrations at Moon Marble Company

      I visited Moon Marble during Marble Crazy 2018 – a now annual event which brings in Marble and Glass Artisans from all over to display their works and demonstrate their talents.  And of course they will gladly sell you a marble or two as well.  I should add that these are not your grandfather’s / grandmother’s marbles.  These are truly works of art.              

Dan Neff – Lake Superior Art Glass

Dan traveled from Duluth, Minnesota for Marble Crazy 2018.  You can see more of his work on his website:  www.LakeSuperiorArtGlass.com


Glass Globe – A World Unto Itself by Geoffrey Beetem 

Jeff came from Ohio to share his glass work.  You can see his art at: www.beetemglass.net


Jeff Durfee – Glass Artist

Jeff also hails from Minnesota. He feels his art is a way of expressing some of his Native American heritage.  Check out his YouTube video below to hear about his background and interesting work.



Spiral Glass Globe by Seth Bickis

Seth Bickis, a glass artist based in Madison, Indiana, shared a variety of his works at Marble Crazy 2018.  You can see more of his work at:


Among other glass and marble artists also attending were:


Marble Company Photo from 2013


The Moon Marble Company – not far from downtown Kansas City Missouri.


The Moon Marble Company is part of the Narrated Audio Tour sponsored by the Kansas City Kansas Convention & Visitors Bureau.  You can dial (913) 489-3423 and enter ext. 24# to hear a nice narration giving information and history of Moon Marble Company.

So – the next time you are looking for marbles – or for some retro style toys and games – head on over to The Moon Marble Company – It’s a Kansas City Gem.



Visit Moon Marble ……. And Enjoy The Adventure!



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