September 13, 2024






      Have you ever had a group of travel photos on your iPhone and wanted to put together a nice photo slideshow, a travel video, to share with others – but you just didn’t want to take the time to produce a full blown movie with iMovie or Final Cut Pro X?  And perhaps you would want to include a bit of nice music to set the tone as well – but you were on the road and did’t have access to a computer – what can you do? The answer is amazingly simple for iPhone users.  You can do it all – with very little effort – you can create great travel videos right on your iPhone.  The iPhone comes with a Photos App as part of the standard built in app collection.  The Photos App has all you need to put together a very nice slideshow or video complete with titles, transitions and musical accompaniment.  Here’s how……….

  • 1)  Open the Photos App. At the bottom center of the screen you will see the icon for “Memories”.   Click on the Memories Icon. You will then be presented with various images with a title superimposed on each as well as a date or a date range.  Each of these images represents a “memory collection” of images for the date(s) indicated which have been automatically  selected by the magical algorithms of Apple.  Just tap on one of the images / titles and it will expand to show you the title image as well as the images that have been selected for that memory collection.








  • 2)   Look closely at the bottom right corner of the image/title and you will see the familiar black arrow. Tap on that arrow (or just tap on the title image) and the title image will expand to full screen size and in a moment or two a video will begin to play along with background music. Pretty cool – right?

  • 3) When the photo slideshow is complete it will stop.  Below the image you will now see that you can modify and personalize your slideshow in limited ways by making several selections.  You can select from several musical backgrounds such as “chill”, “dreamy”, “gentle”, etc.   You can often also select a specific length of slideshow – “short “, “medium ” and “long.”  The number of options  available, and the specific duration of short, medium, or long slideshows depends on how many images are in the entire memory collection.

  • 4) Once you are satisfied with the video you can save it and / or share it with others.  Click on the “square with arrow” icon at the bottom left of the screen. This will open a screen presenting you with various options.

  • 5) The Photos App creates your video in a .mov video format. Once the video is produced, you can do a number of things with it by using the options / icons shown at the bottom of the screen shot below.  Some options are more practical than others.  While technically you could choose to email the video to others, in reality the size of the video file is almost certainly too large to make this possible. The same applies to sending the file as a message attachment. Perhaps the most practical first step is to simply save the newly created video files (.mov type file) which places the completed video in the library of the Photos App. You can then share them later with others by various means. If you have a DropBox account, saving the video file to that account is also workable. DropBox accepts large files and also can be used to forward large files on to others. In addition, if you want to share the file with others you might consider uploading it to your YouTube Channel.  From there you can share the video with others by providing them with the appropriate link.  DO BE AWARE – If you do not save or share the video file at this point it will not be saved anywhere and will simply disappear when you close the Photos App or move on to other tasks. (Of course you can always recreate the slideshow by following all the steps above again.)

  That’s it. Your travel video is complete.  To show what the final product might look like I’ve followed the steps outlined above to produce (or should I say I let my iPhone produce?) a video using my images from Myanmar.  The video can be seen below ( the file was uploaded to YouTube).



  Of course, as with any photography process, there are both Advantages and Disadvantages to this iPhone approach.  Yes – there’s always a trade-off.

  • Advantages –  This approach to  video production is quick.  It is simple.  It can all be done on the iPhone without any extra equipment and / or software. It allows you to quickly generate a very nice looking video with minimal effort or equipment and to share the video quickly with others.
  • Disadvantages –  The photographer has very limited input into the process or the final product. The process uses images directly from your iPhone Camera Roll without any editing or correction.  The iPhone’s software also selects the specific images to use in the video, in what order they will appear, how they will be formatted and what transitions will be used.

**** I should mention that there are several other ways in which this type of video slideshow can be personalized.  But these approaches involve a bit more effort and several additional steps.  I will be review some of these additional approaches in future articles so be sure to come back and visit again.


Make Creative Travel Videos ………. And Enjoy The Adventure!


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