July 27, 2024


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Plaza de la Revolucion – Havana

On The Road Again  – 

I admit up front, I had been listening to a bit of Willie Nelson and his old time hit, “On the Road Again.”  And of course, it has had it’s usual effect.  It triggered that malady well know to many travelers – Itchy Foot Syndrome.  True, I had only been home from my Journey to Southeast Asia for 3 months.  But the Syndrome struck again. There was no resisting it.  It was time for me to – Get On The Road Again!  Destination – Cuba!

Americans In Cuba –  

Although Cuba has long been a destination available to most of the world, for the citizens of The United States Cuba has been off limitis for some time.  Only recently have travel restrictions eased a bit.  There are still some restrictions (see my related post HERE), but within certain limits, travel to Cuba is now possible for Americans.

In early April I put on my Photo-Journalist Hat and  headed south to the island nation known for great old cars and wonderful cigars.  This was not a leisurely vacation full of days lounging on the beach.  General tourism is not yet a possibility for Americans whose Cuban travels still must fall within certain defined and approved areas. My primary mission was to explore the sites, the culture and the people of Cuba and to gather information and photos for a variety of articles. Having established contacts with several publications and outlets, they  expressed a high degree of interesting in various projects.  Now that I’ve returned from the journey it’s time to get to work.  Lots of photos to process and writing in my future.

A Photographer’s Feast –  

Cuba is a visual feast for the photographer.  The People, the Places, the Sites, the Culture – they all call out for attention.  As photographers say, “you can burn a lot of pixels” in Cuba for sure.  Here’s a taste –

Sunset fishing

Fishing at Sunset – Castillo de San Salvador de la Punta –  Havana Harbor 



Pink Taxi

Pink Taxi – Plaza de la Revolucion – Havana



Cuba lady

Colorful Cuban Smile



cigar guide

Cuban Tobacco Drying – Cuban Cigar Smoking – Vinales



Vinales landscape

Vinales Landscape – Tobacco Country



cuba shoe shine

Cuba Shoe Shine – Trinidad

Cuba is simultaneously a Cultural Adventure and a Journey Back In Time.   Check back for  future articles on Cuba – Havana, Vinales, Trinidad – and the Wonderful Cuban People.

Definitely Visit Cuba! …………… And Enjoy The Adventure! 


Want More Great Articles on CUBA?

Visit – Great Destinations – Cuba


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