July 27, 2024
Anzio & Nettuno Italy / bwb-images

Rome Italy is a great travel destination.  But honestly, it’s a big city and it can be really hectic and tiring.  Crowds can be daunting and traffic – well, it’s not for the faint hearted.  As a result I find that Rome is best taken in small doses. Break up your Roman Holiday with several Rome Day Trips.

Getting away from Rome is easy to do.  The Italian Trains are great.  They go just about everywhere, are inexpensive, and they really do run on time.  There are many interesting spots for a day trip from Rome.

Anzio and Nettuno Italy are on Italy’s Western Coast, only 35 miles southwest of Rome. Served by hourly trains from Rome, the area has delightful beaches, picturesque fishing harbors and some very fine restaurants.   A day walking the beaches and city lanes is just what the doctor ordered after several days dodging Fiats and scooters in Rome.

American Cemetery at Anzio / bwb-images

Anzio has some significant historical qualities if you are into that kind of thing – as I am.  Early on the morning of January 22nd, 1944,  Allied Forces executed Operation Shingle, making an amphibious assault on the Axis Powers on the beaches of Anzio.

Cemetery Entrance / bwb-images

The Sicily – Rome American Cemetery and Memorial, located on seventy-seven acres at the norther edge of Nettuno, provides a beautiful and moving reminder of the great sacrifice made by the American Military in the Battle of Anzio and other military actions in Southern Italy.

Nettuno Beach / bwb-imagesSo my suggestion – break up your Rome visit  – get out of Rome for a day.  You won’t miss the crowds – believe me!  Visit the Anzio Cemetary.  Sip some Chianti at a nice beach side cafe.  Relax.   Then catch an evening train back to Rome and you’ll be recharged to continue your Roman Holiday.

Day Trips are Great!………………..Enjoy The Adventure!


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