February 16, 2025


In the words of that great Willie Nelson Classic – Travel And Photo Today.com is going “ON THE ROAD AGAIN.” So, if you’d like, feel free to click on the video below to listen to the tune and get in the mood as you read about our up-coming journey.


Temples of Chiang Mai at Night………

Yes, it’s true. TravelandPhotoToday.com is leaving Kansas City. We are on the road to South East Asia. Not forever you understand. Just for the winter. Why – you may ask? Well, it’s really rather easy. We don’t like to live in the cold and the snow. I mean – Snow is OK. I understand snow. I grew up in MICHIGAN. But with experience comes wisdom. ( I was going to write the rather trite saying – “with age comes wisdom.” But I prefer to view myself as experienced – very experienced. ) Snow is something to be visited and enjoyed – it is not, however, something to be lived in and endured for months on end.

And with those words of wisdom I am happy to announce that for the duration of this winter, TravelAndPhotoToday.com will take up temporary residence in Thailand. Chiang Mai to be specific, where it is nice and warm and scenic and enjoyable.

For those who wonder about winter in Kansas City, let me refer you to the video below. Yes, pretty. Yes, scenic. And yes – cold, very, very cold.

Long Haul Travel – It’s A Joy!

There is one downside to the relocation to Southeast Asia. Long Haul Flights.

Once there was a time when flying was a joy. As they used to say, “getting there is half the fun.” Or at least it was. Unfortunately that no longer seems to apply. Air travel today, especially long haul international travel, is something to be endured. And so, in a rather paradoxical bind, I find myself needing to endure one type of discomfort to avoid enduring another. Alas, such is life it seems………..

The flight to Chiang Mai is not quick or easy – to say the least.

As it is with “eating an elephant” ……. Flying to Chang Mai is best done in smaller bites ….. taken one bite at a time …. or in this case one hop at a time.

First hop – Kansas City to Seattle. Second Hop

KC to Seattle – flight time – 4 Hours / distance – 1489 miles

Second Hop – Seattle to Seoul, South Korea

Seattle to Seoul – flight time – 11 hours 40 minutes / distance 5199 miles

Third Hop – Seoul, South Korea to Chiang Mai, Thailand

Seoul to Chiang Mai – flight time – 6 hours / distance – 2095 miles

By The Numbers

For the statistically minded in the group, that’s a total of 21 hours and 40 minutes – oh heck, let’s call it 22 hours of FLYING TIME! Add in the layovers in Seattle and Seoul and there is a grand total of 26.5 hours of travel time covering a total distance of 8779 miles.

Departing Kansas City at 6:45 AM KC time, the final flight touches down at 10:05 PM Chiang Mai time the next day. And just for further confusion you can add in the fact that Chiang Mai is actually 12 hours “ahead” of Kansas City meaning that when it is 9 AM in Kansas City it is 9 PM in Chiang Mai. Needless to say on a trip like this, “jet lag” is a very real thing and it will take awhile to get reoriented.

Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?

But fear not, Travel And Photo Today will march on. We will continue to publish interesting articles on travel, photography and travel gear. Some will cover recent exploits in Israel and Jordan while others will undoubtedly focus on Thailand and our adventures in Southeast Asia.

Breaking News !

This just out……. Travel And Photo Today.com will visit Myanmar (aka Burma) for two weeks during this winter’s sojourn to Southeast Asia! This is a return visit to a very magical country. If you’d like to read about our previous visit and see photos from that month long journey check out these articles:

Keep Up With Our Journey

Loyal readers can keep up to date with the day to day activities of Travel and Photo Today.com while we explore Thailand and Myanmar. Follow us and check out our Facebook page.

https://www.facebook.com/TravelAndPhotoToday/ Teak Bridge in Mandalay, Myanmar


Join TAPT In SE Asia This Winter …….

….. And Enjoy The Adventure!


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