July 27, 2024


A Photo Tour Through Cuba 

Cubans At Work


A visit to Cuba is like a Journey Back In Time.  The cars are old and the infrastructure is in need of repair and / or replacement.  But it’s a beautiful country with great beaches, mountains, and rolling fields.  And the People of Cuba are wonderful – friendly and open, in love with music, and hard working.  The Cuban economy struggles mightily and the workers have little income so most work two jobs.  Here is a Photo Tour of Cubans At Work.


Work sewers

Women Seamstresses – Havana, Cuba



Cobbler – Trinidad, Cuba



cigar maker

Cigar Maker – Vinales, Cuba


Lady Police

Security Force – Havana


cuba shoe shine

Shoe Shiner – Trinidad, Cuba



Work - onions

Onion Seller – Havana, Cuba



work plantine

Storefront Plantain Chips & Water Seller – Havana, Cuba



Barber – Trinidad, Cuba


Work Baker 1

Baker – Havana, Cuba


work sharpener

Tool & Blade Sharpener – Trinidad, Cuba



Librarians – Havana, Cuba


Trans Chevy full

City Guide & Driver – Havana, Cuba


work baker 2

Baker – Trinidad, Cuba


work venderStreet Vender – Trinidad, Cuba



watch repairStreet-Side Watch Repairman – Trinidad, Cuba


work driverPrivate Driver – Vinales, Cuba


work LaborerLaborer – Trinidad, Cuba 





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