February 14, 2025


Wide & Varied Modes of Travel In Cuba

Personal Experience


trans blue chevy taxi


A visit to Cuba is certainly an adventure.  While the number of tourists traveling to Cuba has been rapidly increasing, the tourist infrastructure in Cuba remains somewhat basic. As  a result, a journey to Cuba can be a bit more challenging than travel to more developed countries.  In a recent article I shared information about accommodations for travelers in Cuba (see Cuba Travel Planner – Accommodations). There’s also a brief article about In-City Transportation while visiting Cuba.

How did I travel during my recent Journey to Cuba?  Let me share some photos of the variety of transportation options I encountered.

Trans plane

Airplane – 

Most travelers to Cuba arrive by air and I was no exception.   I flew via one of my “Go To Airlines” , Southwest Airlines (no charge for 2 bags – thank you very much!) from Kansas City via Ft. Lauderdale, arriving at José Martí International Airport in Havana.


Trans Chevy full

Classic Old Cars – 

Cuba is full of classic old cars.  That’s my guide and the driver for the day in and around Havana. The car was a classic Chevy.


Trans chevy

Just cruising’ through Havana in the Chevy.


Trans taxi

“Regular” Taxi –

You can also “hail” or call for a regular taxi when you tire of walking. This one in Havana.  No meter – negotiation is the key.


Trans bus

Tourist Bus – 

A very nice bus operated by “Transtur.”  Some routes offer this type of service but you may have to search it out.  I took this one from Havana to Trinidad. Reclining seats, air conditioning, and a bargain at $27 ( a taxi was quoted as $250!)


Trans pedicab

Tri-Cycle Pedicab (not exactly sure if there is an official name for these in Cuba) –

The driver met me when I got off the bus in Trinidad asking if I needed a “Taxi.” Turned out this is his “Taxi.”   Hot weather and cobble-stoned streets mean this guy works hard – really hard – for his living.


Trans peugot

Old Cars – 

Lots of old cars in Cuba but not all are classics.  This was an old Peugeot in front of my Casa Particular in Trinidad. It was operated as a “taxi,” which I ride-shared with 3 other passengers traveling from Trinidad to Vinales (@ a 6 hour drive via Havana).  It was a good car although it kept slipping out of gear on occasion.  I suspect the driver may have had aspirations to go on the race car circuit. I think that many people in Cuba with a car put a “Taxi” sign in the window and go into business as a sideline.


trans v - john HOHO
Ho Ho Bus, Vinales Cuba – photo courtesy of J.Caulfield

Ho Ho Bus ( Hop On / Hop Off)   –

In Vinales, tobacco country, they operate a Hop On / Hop Off Bus.  For a daily fee of $5 you can visit any or all of about 7 stops in the area. The blue car in the foreground is another classic “taxi” – they are everywhere.


Trans horse
Vaquero / Fotógrafo (Cowboy / Photographer)- photo courtesy of J.Caulfield

Horseback –  

In Vinales I got “upclose and personal” with the countryside, riding horseback through some of the tobacco country and agricultural areas.  Yes, that’s me “multi-tasking” in Cuba – horseman and photographer.


Explore CUBAN Transportation In All It’s Variety …………….. And Enjoy the Adventure!


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